Removing outdated content from the website does not mean you remove the content from the google search engine. Usually, we want to add more and more content in the Google index. But there is some specific situation when we have to remove content from the google as well as form the other search engine like Bing, Yandex, etc

Remove website wallpaper
Remove website

Lets we first see some cases when we needed a Google URL Removal Tool. Suppose someone searches a content in Google search result and he/she finds your page that you already moved or deleted from your website. When he/she clickckedon that page, they find nothing excepted 404 error on your site. Now put yourself in the shoe of your customer and think how you feel? So, Cleaning up your content from the search engine is equally important to add new content in the search engine. People also use this tool to remove website from google search engine when they purchase an old or already registered domain. In that case, they remove the whole site rather than deleting the page one by one by using Google URL removal tool. Honestly saying, Google doesn’t want a large number of articles on your site; it only wants the quality content on your site. However, on another hand, it does not matter how many pages you published on your website. You can even rank on the google first page with 10 article In the article, we will learn how to;

So, lets we start.

How To Remove Website From Google Search

Two essential elements help you to understand why and when Google does not index your website, page, link, and image.

  1. Rrobots.txt file
  2. Robots meta tag

These are the two elements that lead google where and where they can not go. If you don’t know about this two-term, then stop here go to the link and read it and come back again. So, before going to the next step. Let me tell you, What we need to remove website from google search engine.

First, you have to verify the website with google search engine and after that click on Google Indexed,>>Removal URL. Here is one Dedicated article to the Google URL Removal Tool go the link and understand the feature available in the Tool. You can remove the website from google search engine in only two cases.

Note: 404 error code means “temporarily unavailable” and 410 error code means, “URL is permanently removed”. Let me remove my this website from the search engine so that you can see the actual step. Here I’m not deleting my site from the server, So I’m using the second method that is blocked a website with the robots.txt file to remove it from the search engine. You have to Upload the following Robots.txt file in the WordPress to block the website. User-agent: * Disallow: / Note: This code block everything from your website

blocked website by robots.txt file
Website is Blocked

You can see that I change my robots.txt file. To confirm it blocking your site,

website Blocked checked in webmaster tool
Website Blocked

Now, the final step to remove website from google search engine is add the URL in the URL removal tool.

Enter Website in the URL removal tool
Enter Website

After click on the continue Button,

hide directory from the webmaster tool
Hide directory

To learn more about these options checks this What URL removal Tool article is. You can see in the screenshot, it is site Removal web request, and I don’t want to deindexed by site, so I cancel the request. lol.

status of site removal request

So this is the proper method to remove website from google search engine.

How To Remove Images From Google Search

If you want to remove the single image from the search engine than it is very easy to remove. Just follow these step;

  1. remove the image from the website.
  2. Just copy the URL of the image and
  3. Past the image URL in the URL Removal tool.

That all, You can find the images URL in the browser bar.

remove images from google search
copy image URL

But if you want to remove the directory/folder of the image then you have to take the help of robots.txt file. Block the directory of the image. for example User-agent:* Disallow: /myimage/ This tells Google bots that the owner intentionally blocks “myimage” directory, so need to index that directory. Note:  All the files that start with the URL are also affected by this code as we need. You can check whether a directory has been blocked correctly or not using the Fetch as Googlebot features in Webmaster Tools. Recently, I delete my “Tag” directory from a search engine. Let me show you, how I did this?  Step 1: –  Block the directory using Robots file. Disallow: /tag/ Step 2: – Check your file blocked or not, By using Fetch as Googlebot option in google webmaster tool.

Fetch as google Boot option in webmaster tool

Fetch as Google Boot

You will see it show directory is blocked by the Robots.txt file. Step 3:- Add the image Directory in the URL removal tool.

Remove Directory in webmaster tool
Remove Directory

Again select the select the Temporarily hide directory option and hit the submit button.

 Status of Directory removal request

Status of Directory

Note: this time you will see directory removal status. So, this is about the removing directory from the search engine. But you can permanently remove images directory from google search by following the same method.

How To Remove Page From Google Search

I think we already enough talk on this topic. So now you have the good knowledge to remove page from google search engine. But let me tell you something interested. What you do if you want to publish Page on the website but don’t want to add a page in the search engine? Of course, you use a robots.txt file. But I recommended use noindex meta tag because blocking page is little tricky. Add this tag in the head of the article to tell google no need to indexed that page. In this way, you can publish a page on your website without blocking it and google as well as another search engine not indexed that content.


Remove Outdated, Link and page from the search engine can improve the over quality of the website which means overall improvement in the SEO. Don’t forget to remove the page from the other search engine. Remember to share this post with anyone who might benefit from this information, including your Facebook friends, Twitter followers and members of your Google+ group! And also Support Us By Liking Our FacebookTwitter, and Google+ Page. If you have any suggestion or problem about remove website from google search please feel free to comment below.