Advantages and Disadvantages of Having Public and Private Networks

Private Networks
Private Networks

Security is a general priority for everyone, especially for companies. Due to the fact that they handle vast amounts of sensitive information that accumulates on a regular basis, all business owners must ensure their businesses are secure.

With that, acquiring a good quality network that provides excellent protection for vital information within your company may be tricky, considering the prices. 

As such, there are some great options out there, for example, Beeks Group myprivate network, if you are trying to find one.

But before that, as there are numerous options offered by networks, to determine which one better serves your business purpose, you must have the proper knowledge. 

Before we proceed, let us define the distinction between a private and a public network.

How Are They Different? 

Understanding the critical differences between the two types of networks will help you find the best fit for your company while also saving you some extra bucks. 

Public Network 

When we talk about public networks, we are referring to connections that provide the public general access to the connection. 

Anytime you connect to a public network using your phone, computer, or any of your other devices, you are allowing others to gain access to your data.

There are disadvantages and advantages to using a public network. Here are some of them: 


  • Affordable 

For the most part, public networks are available at extremely low-cost levels. This will help you avoid exceeding your company’s overhead expenses on data charges and other fees. 

  • Availability 

Since public networks allow you to connect to the internet at any available place, you can use it from anywhere. 

The fact that your internet connection will be mobile means you will be able to work whenever you want and from wherever you need to be, thereby enhancing your overall productivity.

As a side benefit, this aspect of the public network is also beneficial in times of emergency when you require immediate access to the internet for the purpose of communication.


  • Unreliable 

Although the use of public networks is open to all individuals, there are some issues. Once the number of users increases up to a certain point, most public networks would have trouble providing fast internet speed. 

As this is usually the case for most public network providers, people will suffer a significant decrease in bandwidth capacity, which causes incredibly slow internet connections. 

  • Pop-up Advertisements

When taking into consideration the free internet connection access the public networks provide, it is inevitable that pop-up advertisements will appear as means for them to procure money. 

  • Low User Protection 

Public internet connections, particularly in terms of security, are frequently plagued by problems in terms of functionality.

It has been mentioned that a large number of people attempt to connect to the internet for free using the public network at the same time and almost always from the exact location. 

Others may be tempted to take advantage of the situation as a result.

Therefore, it is advised that you turn on or use a device protection when connecting to a public network in order to reduce the potential of your private information being leaked into the system and be exposed.

Private Network 

On the other hand, private networks are a type of connection that, in contrast to public networks, is concerned with ensuring that data is transmitted in a secure environment.

This is accomplished through establishing network limits that restrict the number of devices allowed to connect to the network and provide internet connectivity with coverage that is only available in a certain geographic area.

Private networks have their own set of pros and cons, which include the following:


  • Security Centered

Despite the fact that the internet does contain a large amount of engaging content, most private networks are not connected to any external networks. 

As a result, internet connections that utilize the private network are not exposed to any potentially dangerous content that circulates inside the internet network.

Private networks are especially vital if your company handles a substantial quantity of valuable and confidential information, which is the case for the great majority of organizations.

  • Free Standing 

Private networks are not susceptible to a technological malfunction that may occur as a result of their own network because it is not connected to any sort of external network.

In contrast to public networks, private networks are not affected by problems such as server failure, outages, and other issues because they are more dependent on their own equipment than on an external internet service provider.


  • High Price Point

In the case of private networks, the expense of space lease and equipment for internet connectivity is only shouldered by only one network operator. 

If you plan on connecting to a device that utilizes a public network, the cost of maintaining and fixing a piece of private network equipment may get higher due to the probable issues that might occur. 

  • Closed Off 

Additionally, the isolation provided by a private network makes it difficult for network IP addresses to connect with other computers on public networks, therefore making it impossible for them to speak with one another.

Without physically travelling between networks, there is no information that can enter the network from other networks, such as email, outside data, or digital software updates, and information that can leave and enter another network.

In the situation of a small business office connected to a private network, clients, suppliers, and vendors were unable to send or receive data. 

As an alternative, your employees might communicate and receive data among themselves instead. 

Key Points To Remember

  • Public networks provide consumers free access to the internet, which is most notable in times of emergency. However, this makes people susceptible to malicious users that might take advantage of the circumstance. 
  • Private networks provide you with unparalleled protection when accessing the internet. But, this may cause issues with communicating with devices outside of your network, in addition to the high price point brought by maintenance and configuration fees.