Heading out to college is a great experience and you’re bound to learn plenty of new skills along the way. Given that you’ll use your laptop and smartphone like never before, you must download the right apps beforehand. College is drastically different than high school and you’ll need to use every tool at your disposal to graduate on time. Here are a few software types and their examples for your consideration before college starts.
Document Organization Software
Writing papers and handing in written assignments will become second nature to you during college. To keep track of things more easily, you should use software dedicated to managing different types of file formats. Using expert assistance that you can pick with essay service reviews, you will be able to write assignments more efficiently and hand in proofread, formatted essays and papers on time. The apps you should consider using include:
- Google Workspace
- Microsoft Office
- Zoho Docs
- Evernote
Reliable VPN Software
Depending on what you study, you might come across assignments that require extensive research through various online publications. To keep your identity on the web private, you should use a reliable VPN app at all times. This will not only help keep you safe but also allow you to access websites and platforms you otherwise wouldn’t be able to. There are several great VPNs for you to try out:
- Nord VPN
- Express VPN
- Surfshark
- Proton VPN
Using Cloud-Based Storage
As you go through college, you will accumulate data from various sources and inevitably reach the limit of your local hard drive space. This isn’t an issue since cloud storage apps are dime a dozen and they offer plenty of useful features. You can easily upload your written assignments, essays, papers, and other college projects for safekeeping. When you think “I’d like someone to rewrite my paper for me”, all you need is to access your storage and ask for help online. The best cloud-storage platforms you should use are:
- Google Drive
- Dropbox
- OneDrive
- Apple iCloud
Trustworthy Antivirus Software
Being affected by malware, phishing scams, and other cybersecurity risks is very easy these days. Once it happens, your data may be at risk of being deleted, corrupted, or held at ransom. You can avoid this by staying vigilant about which links you click on online and by using good antivirus software. Trustworthy antivirus solutions will keep your data safe and enable you to browse the web more conveniently. Here are several antiviruses for you to use:
- Avast
- McAfee
- Kaspersky
- Malwarebytes
Time-Management Software
As you go through college, various activities and extracurricular courses will become available. You might want to travel abroad, join a sports club, or pick up extra courses for more credit. Besides using good educational software provided by your university, you might also want to use time-management apps. These apps will help you focus better and avoid distractions while working on college assignments. Here’s a few of them that stand out:
- Pomodoro Tracker
- Todoist
- Toggl Track
- Time Tree
Visual Presentations Software
While writing papers might be what you will do most of the time, you will also need to create presentations for your courses. This means that you will need to create representative visuals and then present your thesis and finding to other students. The better your presentation looks, the better grade you will get. Professors love seeing tidy and professional presentations, which is why these apps should be of use to you:
- Canva
- Prezi
- Keynote
- Google Slides
Starting College on the Right Foot (Conclusion)
Downloading some of the apps we’ve discussed will ensure that your college experience begins on the right foot. Make sure to check out multiple apps and platforms before settling for the ones that suit you best. As usual, there are plenty of other apps for you to discover online and through friend recommendations. Don’t shy away from trying out new platforms and software to find your favorite new apps to use in college.
Bio: Melony Hart is a professional content creator, editor, and digital marketer with years of experience writing about digital marketing and business trends. Melony specializes in writing articles, research, and case studies in various niches related to professional development and marketing. She is a passionate writer, reader, and learner.