
A computer is an electronic device that operates through the control of different software in its own memory. It develops raw data to give info as output. This is also accepted data as input and transformed under the influence of particular instructions called programs to produce the desired output. In addition, PCs have an internal memory that temporarily stores data and instructions awaiting processing. And holds the intermediate results before they are communicated to the recipients via the output device.

A PC is a tool for performing calculations and storing information. And communicating with people. The American engineer Charles Babbage designed an early mechanical calculator called the Analytical Engine. the word “computer” was first used in 1946. Although the Analytical Engine never got built, it was an early example of a computer.

The different PCs work on data that uses various instructions issued, meaning the PCs cannot do any useful job on their own. If the data is available on the computer, it can make another form normally held within the computer as it proceeds. In this case, the data is not in the computer itself but the storage media containing information about it. It can be a hard drive, a flash drive, a CD, or a DVD. Another storage device that holds data information. There are many different types of storage media in the world. That may hold different kinds of data; some may store text information such as word processors or text documents, and store image files such as pictures. And some may store sound files such as MP3, WMA, and so on.