How Important is Technology in Education

How Important is Technology in Education
How Important is Technology in Education

Without any doubt, the level of education of the members of society is decisive in the standard of living of the society itself. Today, education is changing in many ways thanks to technology. If earlier there were questions about whether it is necessary to introduce a lot of technology into the learning process, then especially after the COVID-19 pandemic, the answer became obvious to everyone. Everyone saw how quickly students and teachers had to rebuild in order to restore the normal educational process. Teachers teaching subjects that have nothing to do with working on a PC had to rush to learn how to install and use special programs that allow remote learning. They had to learn to keep the attention of students and develop new systems for checking homework and monitoring learning in a new reality. Without enough technology in education, we have a chance that the overall level of education around the world will fall with every crisis. Considering that the number of these crises and natural disasters are only growing, today we want to talk about what technologies and why make education better, more accessible and of high quality. As a matter of fact, the impact of educational technology on student achievement is evident nowadays. Let’s examine some aspects in detail.

Technology Makes Education More Accessible

In case we had to give just one example of why technology is so important in education, we would choose this item. Technology makes education more accessible. Earlier, in order to open a school somewhere in remote areas of Africa or in an Aleut village in the North, it was necessary to deliver all the textbooks, manuals, and visual materials. It was also significant to find volunteer teachers, who would agree to go and settle in these remote areas for a long time. And it was essential to find good teachers so that they could give the same education to children in remote areas as to children living in cities. In addition, it often turned out that the number of students in those remote areas was small and children of different ages had to study in the same class in order to justify the teacher’s salary. 

Increasing Edu Quality in Remote Areas

Before the introduction of technologies, children from remote regions were forced to be sent to boarding schools, taken away from home at an early age, or the whole family had to leave the usual places they used to live in order to give quality education to their kids and provide for their future. Nowadays, the quality of education in remote areas is growing. This means that children from these areas become competitive, can enter prestigious colleges and universities, and make their country better and richer by putting into practice knowledge that they received in colleges and universities. Technological advances make it possible to get an education of the proper level, where it was completely inaccessible or difficult to access. 

Technology Helps Decrease Inequality

If you look at economic statistics for different countries, you will see that among the poorest countries there will be countries where girls have significantly less access to education than boys. It has been known for decades that the general accessibility of education is one of the main factors for the stability of the country, democracy and its economic development. Technology has made it possible to open schools for girls, even where such education is not yet fully formalized. Technology is helping to reduce inequality in the world, not only in terms of gender, children from poor families do not receive the same education and access to the same materials as children from more affluent families. Thanks to technology, of course, it is impossible to completely solve this problem, but now this gap is gradually decreasing. There are many products sponsored by the government, large companies and NGOs that help reduce inequality in access to education and in getting quality education.

Technology Makes Education More Practical

On the one hand, this sounds strange, for example, earlier most of the experiments were carried out with real reagents, and now the experiments are carried out online on educational boards and tablets. Unfortunately, in the past, real experiments in chemistry, physics, and robotics were carried out only in very good schools in a few countries, because this required a technical and economic base. Now, thanks to the development of technology, children during classes and outside the classroom, can do amazing laboratory work on all basic stem and natural science assignments. Thus, more prepared students enter colleges and universities.

Technologies Make Education More Fun

But we must not forget that the more interesting it is to study, the more you will learn and better understand the subject being studied. Technology helps to gamify the learning process, engage students more, better track their progress hastily. Technology makes education much more fun and exciting. Thanks to technologies, you can get timely and affordable assistance with your papers from someone from a professional service, such as who can write essays for you online. If you yourself are taking some online courses, then you know that the more the learning process is gamified, the sooner you will complete this course and the deeper the knowledge gained, which is obtained without violence, but in an easy and playful way. The same principle is now beginning to be applied in colleges and universities.

Wrapping Up About the Importance of Technology in Education

We talked about how technology is helping to reduce inequality in the world, how it is helping children in remote areas learn. We mentioned how it is helping less developed countries move forward, and how it is making students smarter and helping to add more practice to the learning process. There is an opinion that technologies can also have negative aspects. Children in developed countries are increasingly developing dependence on gadgets. And in educational institutions they are also offered to work with gadgets. At the same time, they do not read ordinary books and perform laboratory work only conditionally practically. In developing countries, charitable organizations often face the problem that the education system is set up, but at the same time, frequent power outages constantly interrupt the educational process. There are many points on which one can criticize the role of technology in education, but these are all temporary difficulties. The future is definitely technology. The main thing is to learn how to use them correctly and safely.