How Is Magento Evolving The eCommerce Realm?

How Is Magento Evolving
How Is Magento Evolving

Magento is among the most widely used platforms for doing online business. After Adobe acquired the company in May 2018, there is a good possibility of gaining access to a large number of advantageous features. 

Consequently, it will be able to significantly contribute to the field of online commerce in 2021 and beyond.

Nevertheless, a significant worry is the lack of adequate security. A few years ago, it was claimed that more than 78 percent of Magento websites in New Zealand and Australia are exposed to a significant threat from cybercriminals. In the years to come, considerable improvements will be made to its existing security system.

Will it be able to engage in a heated competition with the many major eCommerce platforms in 2021 and beyond? Is it wise to rely on investigating other available options in the years ahead? The answers to all of these questions can be found right here in this very article.

The Magento Effect

Magento transformed eCommerce with its world-class features, mobile-friendly aesthetic, and great user experience. In addition, cross-sells and upsells encourage customers to buy more, increasing sales and revenue.

According to a study, eCommerce enterprises contribute 10% – 80% of revenue growth to Magento. In addition, its relevant characteristics and scalability help retailers attract more customers to marketing and sales events.

In 2021, merchants’ revenue increased with Adobe’s acquisition of Magento promised, improved shopping, and boosted conversions.

The Magento-Adobe Acquisition

Adobe acquired Magento in 2018, and ever since that, the eCommerce realm has observed steady growth as the acquisition opened new doors. In addition, Adobe’s original stack will boost the eCommerce user experience.

Adobe’s CIF (Commerce Integration Framework) can help Magento support more complicated business scenarios. Many marketers and content creators prefer CMS for buyer experience. They choose to utilize a single device to handle the brand and user experience rather than different apps. CIF allows Adobe to provide a better tool for managing content and eCommerce user experience than Magento.

What To Expect From Magento In The Future?


AI has altered how users interact with websites. It enables you to assess consumer behavior and modify the system engagement accordingly. In addition, your Magento development services allow you to discover the traces left by store visitors, such as the products they viewed, and produce customized product recommendations. Chatbots are another great application of AI.

They will be installed in increasing locations, allowing customers to receive fast responses to their concerns. In 2021 and beyond, Magento will continue to implement AI more sophisticatedly to improve the user and consumer experience.


With Commerce Integration Framework enabling the overall Adobe Experience Cloud to interface with Magento, the eCommerce platform’s capabilities will likely reach an entirely new level in 2021. 

Adobe has already begun providing Progressive Web Apps (PWA) to Magento clients via the PWA Studio and developer toolset. It allows companies to create online storefronts with an app-like interface. It finally leads to a substantial increase in conversion rates. 

Consequently, the number of Magento stores experiencing significant income growth will expand dramatically in the following years.

High-Tech PIM Solution

In October 2018, Magento announced a partnership with Akeneo, a French open-source PIM specialist. Before the agreement, Magento’s PIM capabilities were restricted.

However, you may now aggregate product information far more efficiently. For example, you can integrate Magento, CMS, and ERP product data. It also increases the efficiency of product development and approval operations. 

Thus, you can deploy the product substantially faster. It accelerates market dispersion and increases overall sales and income. Therefore, it will be of tremendous use to your business.

The Advantages Of Magento

Robust Security

Magento is one of the most secure eCommerce platforms despite security concerns. Magento 2.1 uses random Admin URIs to prevent attacks.

Security has been improved as they have made the platform stable by reducing cyberattack risk. Magento 2 Security Suite Extension avoids hacking, and third-party plugin developers improve platform security.

File modifications are easily detected as the module emails when there is any change in files. Assault protection, action log, and away mode frustrate hackers globally, providing better security.

Higher Market Share

Shopify has surpassed Magento as the second-largest eCommerce platform. However, it does not diminish the company’s overall market share. In 2018, Magento’s market share increased significantly from 9 to 13 percent. 

There are numerous causes for the expansion; the acquisition of Adobe is the most significant. It has already produced several game-changing products, such as PWA Studio and the programmer toolkit.

With its Experience Cloud, the creative software titan also offers a suite of tools, including data management, content management, and analytics. In the long term, they can significantly enhance the Magento offers. 

Additionally, with Adobe’s extremely mature ecosystem, Magento can compete with Shopify and other prominent eCommerce platforms.

Bottom Line

The Magento and Adobe acquisition plays a significant part in the growth of their brand. At the same time, this powerful platform has allowed eCommerce firms to expand. Businesses in the eCommerce space can use this platform to target the appropriate clients, offer individualized shopping experiences, and dynamically simplify their operations around the globe.

eCommerce businesses worldwide have benefited from the new features and progress made to the Adobe Magento platform, which has resulted in unparalleled growth, and there is still more to look forward to.