How to Make Facebook Private? Facebook Privacy Settings

how to make my facebook private
how to make my facebook private

Do you wants to know how to make Facebook private? We share so much information on Facebook including information on our birthdays, interests, and closest friends. Though it might not disturb you to share some of this information with the public, you might wish to withhold some of it as well, such as the year you move born.

Read below to find out how to make your Facebook profile private, how to make a friend’s list private on Facebook, and how to make albums individually on Facebook.

how to make photos private on facebook
how to make photos private on facebook

Changing your Facebook privacy settings 

Log into your Facebook account 

Search Facebook in your browser bar. Then enter the relevant account information to log into your Facebook. If you forget your identification, click on forgot password switch so Facebook can send a temporary identification to your email account.

Click on the Arrow in the top-right control of your feed

Once you’ve operated yourself to your news feed, choose the downward-pointing arrow in the top right-hand corner of your screen. The arrow will open a drop-down that will lead you to organization options, advertising information, your activity log, newsfeed choices, settings, and a logout option. From here, select the Shadows button.

Click on the privacy tab in the left-hand column

The backgrounds tab will take you to a general account settings page. In the long left-hand cylinder under general settings, select the Privacy tab. This should be the fourth benefit in the column. When you click the isolation tab, it will launch a new page on the right-hand side of your page with knowledge about your name, username, contact information, and other accessories.

Scroll down to the “Your Activity” section

After traveling to your Privacy tab, scroll down to the “Your Activity” section. This should be the second section located beneath the “Privacy Settings and Tools” header.

Here you will be able to edit who has admittance to your account profile. If you’d like your outline to be completely private, select the “Only me” alternative in the drop-down. If you’d like to limit your profile retirement to only friends, choose that opportunity instead.

how to make your facebook private
how to make your facebook private

Review other privacy settings

Under the Retirement tab, you have access to change who is allowed to send you familiar requests, who can search you based on your Facebook email address, who can examine you based on your phone number, whether or not your Facebook profile can be pursued in search engines and a variety of other settings. To ensure your Facebook separation is completely optimized to your liking, examine all of the privacy options on this page.

Reviewing the “Timeline and Tagging” tab in the left-hand comment will also allow further privatization of your Facebook page. Here you can choose who has access to post content on your timeline, who can share your Facebook stories on their profiles, who has access to tagged posts on your timeline, and several other frameworks.

how to make facebook page private
how to make facebook page private

How to Make a Friend’s List private on Facebook

Navigate to the Privacy tab under Settings

At this point, you should be intimate with the Privacy tab under Settings. If not, follow the directions below or review steps 1–3 in the “How to make your Facebook profile private” segment above to find the retirement tab.

  1. While on your news feed, click on the indicator in the top right-hand corner of your screen.
  2. Select the Settings alternative, which should be the fifth preference on the drop-down menu.
  3. Scroll over to the left-hand column and select the Retirement tab. This should be the fourth benefit from the top. The screenshot below shows what your retirement page should look like.

Scroll down to the “How People Find and Contact You” section of the Privacy page

Once here, choose the Edit button next to the prompt, “Who can see your friends list?” The overall Facebook settings are usually set to “public.”

Select “friends,” “specific friends” or “only me” to make your friends list private

If you want your friend’s list to be quite private, select the “Only me” option under the drop-down cover. If you’re going to share your Friends list with only your colleagues or specific friends, pick the drop-down menu’s suitable option.

You can also exclude particular friends from viewing your friend’s list if required or desired.

  • Alternatively, travel to your Facebook profile page
  • Click on the Friends tab beneath your shelter photo and name

Select the pen box in the right-hand corner

After selecting the pen button, click on the “Edit Privacy” switch in the dropdown menu.

Edit your friend’s list decisions in the popup menu

The same opportunities for privatizing your Friends list will pop up here, as shown in the first method to edit your friend’s list settings.

how to make facebook profile private
how to make facebook profile private

How to make Albums private on Facebook

Go to the album of photos you’d like to edit

Navigate to the photos tab on your biography page. From there, select the Albums tab beneath the photo header. Click on the album of interest. Select the three dots in the corner of your chosen album.

Select what audience you want to have viewing privileges

If you want the album to be totally private:

  1. Select the “only me” opportunity.
  2. Narrow it down to “Friends” or “Friends except” if you only want specific people to view the album.
  3. Save the changes after selecting your favored privacy setting.

How to hide your birthday on Facebook

Navigate to your Facebook profile and select “edit profile.”

Selecting the edit outline button will allow you to edit particular information that shows up on your profile.

Scroll down to the “about info” section of the popup

After clicking on the Edit Outline button, a popup will show up in the heart of your screen. Scroll down to the bottom of the popup and select the “Edit your about info” tab in the last sector of the popup.

Navigate to the “Contact and Basic Info” tab

An about section will resemble on your screen. In the left-hand column, select the “Contact and Basic Info” tab that shows up. Under the “Basic Information” section, select the Edit button that leaps up next to your birth date and year.

Select your desired privacy settings

Click on the drop-down buttons supplied on the right-hand side of your protection to determine who can see your birthday information. If you’d like to share your birthday with colleagues but hide the year you were born from others, you can edit that as well.