How To Save Time Using Automatic Transcription

Automatic Transcription
Automatic Transcription

Time is important. Regardless if you are a student starting in life or a high-flying businessperson, we all have the same 24 hours in our day. An effective, time-saving method that most people do not know is automatic transcription. Below we will be telling you how to save time using the automatic transcription. 

What Does It Mean to Transcribe Audio to Text?

Transcription is a term used to describe the process of converting recorded audio into text. Using automatic transcription, you can convert audio into text thanks to high-quality software. It is a pretty straightforward process. The first thing you have to do is record or download the audio you want to transcribe. The second step is to upload the audio file to a leading automatic transcription platform such as Audext. It is estimated that an hour of audio will take just 7 minutes to be accurately transcribed. 

For Students:

Being a student is a lot of hard work. You have to attend daily or near-daily lectures during which your professor will be talking non-stop for at least an hour. Traditionally, students will have to write notes during their lectures. Thus potentially risking missing out on important pieces of detail since they are multitasking.

On the other hand, a few nimble students may also record their lectures. However, this will also require them to spend long periods of time transcribing the audio. This entire process can be made much more efficient thanks to audio to text converters. Allowing you to have much more time to study as well as make the best of student life

For Journalists:

The job of a journalist is to bring attention to the most important issues in society. This will require many hours of interaction with other people. Accurately remembering everything that you have heard and discussed is simply not realistic. In addition, you don’t have the benefit of writing everything down. Especially when you are doing interviews, you have to look beyond the words that you are being told. It is 

key to take note of body language and facial impressions. 

Converting audio to text using software will let you get a better idea of what is going on. As well as providing you with a key source to look back on when verifying everything for your article. 

For Businessman and Corporates:

When companies grow to a certain size, meetings become unavoidable due to the high level of delegation within the company. In the case of important topics and issues, you may need multiple meetings between large groups of people. You can quickly lose track of everything that has been said and then have to spend time rediscussing things. 

Avoiding confusion is important and can be avoided thanks to transcriptions. These transcriptions can be stored indefinitely and referred back to whenever needed. Another possible use is for legal reasons. Through the use of transcriptions, you can corroborate and dispel topics that you have discussed privately. 

For Radio Broadcasters:

Radio still remains a popular medium of entertainment and news. Thanks to the growth of the internet, radio stations all around the world are expanding their services to multiple popular streaming and social media platforms. Radio broadcasters can benefit from audio to text converters such as Audext in a large variety of ways. 

First of all, they can make their content accessible to individuals with hearing issues or who are not currently proficient in the language being spoken on the radio show. This added accessibility is achieved thanks to subtitles created from high-quality transcriptions. 

Another important aspect is the verification of information. Radio broadcasters make a large slice of their earnings from sponsored special offers. Transcriptions are a way to double-check the stated terms and conditions, which will ensure that more listeners will be able to join in. This is beneficial both for your radio show’s fans as well as for the radio broadcasting. Higher engagement in promotional campaigns will mean higher earnings in the future. Furthermore, you will need to spend less time talking to confused or disgruntled listeners. 

For Content Marketers:

SEO is a term that every content marketer will be accustomed to. Currently, all major search engines rely on some form of text, whether that is the actual page content or submitted keywords not publicly visible. At the same time, many content marketers are not aware that transcriptions can provide them with an SEO edge over their competitors. 

You may have made the most informative video about a topic that has targeted a very profitable keyword. However, the search engine ‘crawlers’ will only scan the titles and descriptions, leading them to undervalue your content’s quality. By transcribing the audio of your video content, you will achieve more efficient growth for your online business. For example, rather than posting five untranscribed videos, you will achieve the same engagement thanks to just a single transcripted video.


At first, transcription may seem like a dull and unneeded task. Hopefully, in this article, we were able to show you with just a few examples that it is actually the opposite. Thanks to transcription, you can work smarter rather than just harder. Giving you the opportunity to achieve your goals while also focusing on other important parts of your life.