Sending Messages to Yourself on WhatsApp is Now Possible

WhatsApp new features
WhatsApp new features

Device Availability: WhatsApp

Messaging oneself feature on WhatsApp is rolling out, and we can say that it is arguably one of the great features for noting down ideas. Now the “Message Yourself” feature is reaching some betas testers, signifying that it will soon be available for stable users in the coming weeks.

However, various sites have already dedicated space to text yourself and save messages for later, but now WhatsApp also comes with a feature, at long last. Now, the Meta-owned platform provides a smooth way to message yourself.

With this new feature, you will be able to view a chat with your number. You just have to choose your number from the contact list. Your number will also have the “Message Yourself” tag, indicating that you can use the feature. This new feature was marked in the WhatsApp v2.22.24.2 beta release of the android app.

Your name will get the “you” suffix next to your chat name. Previously, sending a text to yourself using the URL “wa. me/91 ” helped send messages to yourself. It will show the text message sent to yourself on all the linked devices so that enduring a chat on various devices becomes simple. It is also said that this feature is coming out to roll on some iOS beta users too.

However, it is not yet declared when WhatsApp’s “Message Yourself” features will reach android and iOS users. Although the meta-owned texting platform has started the rollout, if you can’t access the feature, wait for a few days, this may happen quite soon, and we will let you know once things get settled and official.

Meanwhile, WhatsApp has officially rolled out communities to all users worldwide, allowing you to generate and manage sub-groups without difficulty. This shall reach all of you in a few weeks.