Three Extremely Important Pieces of Advice for Students

Advice for Students
Advice for Students

Don’t want to be constantly getting bad grades in college? Well, in that case, you’ll definitely get some use out of our article. Read the tips below and improve your academic life!

1. Take Every Exam Seriously!

No matter how well your semester is going: As soon as your exams are due, the cards are reshuffled – every semester. It no longer matters whether your lectures went well, the professor thought your homework was great, or you did well in the internship. If you don’t successfully complete your exam phase, a whole academic year will suffer.

If you want to take something countable with you, you have to do well in your exams. But you will only succeed if you take them seriously – each and every one of them. Don’t listen to older fellow students telling you about this or that “easy” exam; don’t rely on such testimonials. Because as soon as you underestimate an exam performance and only learn for it in gentle gear, you have already lost the fight and will get the reward for it later.

Don’t get me wrong: confidence is important. But overconfidence will break your neck. In college and life. Of course, you have to believe in yourself and approach your tasks with confidence, but if you do it with pride and overestimate your abilities, you are hurting yourself.

Never make the mistake that many freshmen make and take an exam or even an entire exam phase lightly. Do not underestimate the challenges you will face during your studies, but approach every situation with the necessary respect and professionalism.

To-do: Realize that every exam is important and never underestimate your exam phase!

2. Read Your Exam Regulations!

Think of your studies as a parlor game where you and your fellow students have to graduate from university. As a first-year student, you are at the start – just before your first move. Over time, tasks have to be solved (exams) and points collected (credit points). In the end, when you have earned enough points, you meet your final boss (thesis) and fight for your degree in the final.

So that it remains fair and nobody cheats, you now only need one thing: the rules of the game. And it is precisely these rules that are reflected in your examination regulations. A bit dry and unnecessarily complicated in some places – but the rules of the game remain.

Your examination regulations are the most important document for your entire degree. That means: If you are smart and want to study reasonably smart, you should read your examination regulations and know their content. ( Regardless of whether you are enrolled in a bachelor’s, master’s, master’s, or diploma course; It doesn’t matter whether you’re studying law, math, mechanical engineering, business administration or to become a teacher: your examination regulations specify the general conditions for your studies.

It forms the examination law framework for your degree program and sets the rules according to which you study. Only if you know your examination regulations are you able to plan your studies sensibly and avoid unnecessary trouble.

To-do: Download the current version of your examination regulations from your university’s website and read them through!

3. Create Productive Framework Conditions!

Studying is not primarily about who can learn best and who has the best memory. It’s about methods, about technology. But very few are working on this technology. However, if you manage to organize your everyday life in such a way that you can study productively and with motivation, success will eventually come naturally.

But first, you have to determine the framework conditions correctly; you must learn how to properly select your daily resources and then use them efficiently when needed. You have to have all areas of your student life under control and meticulously ensure that all gears mesh logically. If you don’t succeed, sooner or later you will sink into chaos.

Even the brightest and hardest-working students fail at university because they don’t see the big picture and can’t manage their daily tasks in a way that makes study productive. They fail because of themselves – not because they are bad students, but because they are bad managers.

And that’s why you have to use your resources wisely and strategically. Divide your time and energy so that you can end up studying successfully and leading a happy student life. Design your everyday life in such a way that it provides you with everything you need for high performance and at the same time makes sure that you stay fit and satisfied.

To-do: Be clear about the resources you need for successful and happy student life!

In the End

Don’t be too hard on yourself and remember that college isn’t only about learning. Of course, it’s a big part, and you should do everything in your power to improve both academically and as a person. Nonetheless, you’re only human and should know that you have your limits too and that sometimes turning to a professional with a “Write my paper!” request is also okay.