Best Search Engine To Use Instead Of Google Today

search engine
search engine

Search engines have become the backbone of the internet today and no one can imagine the browsing or the existence of the internet without Google. Google shares more than 90% of shares on the internet, the highest shares on the internet today. However, there are other good choices besides Google that can be used for searching the internet. Google’s name has become so general and enormous that its name has begun to be used as a synonym for the internet. Google may be big but there are still other search engines that are good at returning accurate results. In this article, we shall discuss the best search engine to use instead of Google.

Bing Search Engine
Bing Search Engine

Bing Search Engine

Bing may not be famous for some people but in January 2020 Bing served a quarter of the search queries on the internet. Bing motivates the users to search on it by awarding a point to them by performing a search. Bring outperforms Google in certain aspects, however, there is a huge number of people who do not realize it. Bing has a more intuitive and attractive user interface that appeals more to the users. Bing is one of the most popular search engines today.

Yandex Search Engine
Yandex Search Engine

Yandex Search Engine:

Yandex comes after Bing in the search engine list. Yandex has earned its place in web search engines by serving the needs of users. However, Yandex is famous in Russia rather than in the US. In Russia, 45% of users use Yandex rather than Google. Yandex may be lower in the search engine ranking but it is worth using.

CC Search Engine
CC Search Engine

CC Search Engine:

CC Search engine comes next in the best search engine list. The best thing about the CC Search engine is it provides nearly every content that is free of copyright issues. It should be your first choice for hunting the search on the internet. Like other internet search engines, the CC Search engine is best if you are looking for music or video, images for content or blog posts, or anything for personal without worrying that someday someone would come and sue you in the name “Copyright”. Therefore, CC is the best search engine for video, image, audio, and anything else like other search engines.

SwissCows Search Engine
SwissCows Search Engine

SwissCows Search Engine:

Swisscows, just like Google, is user-friendly and offers a clean and accurate search result whatever you search on it. Swisscows is better than Google in one aspect for sure. It does not collect or store any kind of user data or information for any purpose. AI is used by the best search engines and swisscows is one of them. It analyses the query by using the AI and returns the best possible result in response to the user’s search query.



Just like swisscows DuckDuckGo never collects or stores any kind of information or data regarding the search history or the user itself. Therefore, like other best search engines, we can surely say that DuckDuckGo respects user privacy and offers secure and safe browsing without having to worry about information leaks or theft.


As stated earlier, there are several other search engines that offer safe and accurate results that are just as accurate as Google’s. Privacy is crucial in web search. Search engines besides Google are also great and worth using. In this article, we discussed the best search engine besides Google and found out that there are several other search engines that can be used without hassle.