How To Turn Off Automatic Updates On Android, iPhone, And Windows 10

How To Turn Off Automatic Updates Iphone
How To Turn Off Automatic Updates Iphone

How To Turn Off Automatic Updates On Android?

“How to Turn Off Automatic App Updates on Android?” is a question that can put you on research if the applications installed on your android phone start to update automatically. There are a couple of options available to enable or disable the auto-update on android. This depends completely on your choice to allow applications to update or not or update on a specific carrier. However, if you want frequent updates of your applications then it would be better to turn on the “Auto-Update” option.


Follow The Steps To Turn OFF Or ON The Automatic Updates:

  • Open The Google Play store.
  • Click on the 3-Lines Menu or the top left.
  • Tap on the Settings option.
  • Tap on the “Auto-Update apps” option.
  • To turn off the automatic updates, tap on the “Do not Auto-Update apps”
  • Tap on Auto-Update over Wi-Fi only.

How To Turn Off Automatic Updates On iPhone And Ipad:

Just like the Android operating system iOS also gives you the control to Turn-On or Off the automatic updates. iOS, however, is not as flexible as Android. It does not allow you to update one application; iOS will let you update all of the apps or none.  Follow the steps below on your iPhone or iPad.

  • Open settings.
  • Go to iTunes & App Store.
  • To Turn-Off the auto-updates tap on the green button next to the Updates option.
  • Turn off the “Use Mobile Data” tap on the green button next to it and shut it off.

How To Turn Off Automatic Updates On Windows Phone 8.1

Windows phones, however, are not on trend in 2022, but still, if someone still has a windows phone then it will be beneficial for them. Like Android OS windows Phone 8.1 also allows you to update all apps. The process the below:

  • Open the application store.
  • Tap on the three horizontal dots menu.
  • Click on the Settings options.
  • Tap on the button of Update apps automatically to turn off the option.
  • You can also set the updates only on Wi-Fi.


Turn Off Auto Application Update On Windows 10:

Windows 10 is the latest version of Windows is consistently updated after a certain time. Windows also allow you to Turn On or off the auto-matic updates. This is as easy as turning of updates on a cell phone.

  • Go to Settings of windows 10.
  • Click on the Updates & Security.
  • Click on “Pause Updates for 7 Days”.


The process of how to turn off automatic updates on Android, iPhone, and Windows is a piece of cake. However, if some users do not know about the process might make them search for it. In this article we discussed all the operating systems people generally use and the process to stop auto-matic updates. I hope that will be helpful for everyone.