GitHub Student Developer Pack With .Edu Email

Github Student Developer Pack With.Edu Email
Github Student Developer Pack With.Edu Email

Are you a student and want to develop software like a PRO? The GitHub Student Developer Pack is the best way to do it. You can use the GitHub student developer pack with a the .Edu email address. Now, there might arise some questions in your mind, what is a . Edu e-mail address? And, why GitHub is providing free access to the students to the world-class development tools?

In this article, we shall discuss how to get a . Edu email address and the benefits that GitHub provides to the students.

How to Get a .Edu Email Address?

The .Edu e-mail address is provided by the universities to their students and faculty. But before discussing the benefits, let us have a look at the process of how to Get a .Edu Email Address?

Simple and Easy Method to Get .Edu E-mail Address:

Remember one thing while doing this. The age should be more than 21 years.

  • Connect to VPN and select any location in the US.
  • Go to the Illinois Central College website for registration.
  • Fill in the information in the input fields.
  • In the next step, select a US-based address.
  • Enter the email and contact number. Use your personal email address, and for contact numbers, you can use online tools like text now and Twilio to generate VOIP numbers.
  • Click on the next step after filling up the details.  Select random answers.
  • In the next step, you shall be asked some general questions. Select random answers.
  • The academic part is very important should be filled with extreme care. Any mistake can lead to the rejection of the .edu email application. If you do not get the .edu e-mail on the first try, you can change the program and apply again.
  • Sleet the university and year of graduation.
  • In the final step click “I certify.” and “submit”. Confirm your submission again by clicking on “Submit the article.”

This one is a simple and easy method to get free .edu email address from anywhere in the world.

Let us now move to the main topic of our article.

Related: How to Use GitHub?

What To Know About GitHub Student Developer Pack?

What To Know About GitHub Student Developer Pack?

GitHub provides a hands-on experience to developers across the world. But the professional tools can be very expensive for students. This is the reason why GitHub has created a GitHub Student developer pack. The GitHub Student developer pack provides free access to world-class development tools.

The main reason for the GitHub education pack for students is to provide free access to the best developer tools all in one place. Therefore, the students can learn by doing hands-on exercises.

Let us start by answer the first and the most important question: what is the GitHub student developer pack?

This GitHub student developer pack gives free access to several tools that are used by world-class developers.

The GitHub student pack gives access to 20+ best developer tools in 2023. However, in this article we shall discuss some of them, just to give you an overview of the benefits of the GitHub student developer pack with the .edu email.

The tools include:

  • Data Science.
  • Virtual Reality
  • Free access to APIs.
  • IDEs
  • Version Control System with GIT, etc.

Why GitHub Student Developer Pack is Good?

Why Github Student Developer Pack?

1 Amazon Web Service (AWS) Cloud with the .Edu Email

  • The GitHub student developer packs free access to the Amazon web service (AWS) cloud.
  • The GitHub Student package members will get a total of $110 in bonus for $75-$150.
  • Free access to the best AWS cloud service for research, training, study using the cloud resources and collaboration resources for free.

2. Free and Open-Source Text Editor: ATOM

  • An open-source and free text editor atom.
  • Provided by the GitHub Student Developer Pack.

3. Free Access to

  • Install cloud applications free of cost in a single click.
  • The $49 per month package is free of cost on the GitHub student developer package.

4. Free Access To Carto.Com For 2 Years

  • Open source and powerful platform or visualization, application development, and spatial data analysis.
  • The GitHub student pack provides increased data storage, location data service credits, real-time data analysis, and the premium feature absolutely free for 2 years.

5. Free Cloud Platform Digitalocean.Com

  • Cloud hosting for developers is provided free by the GitHub student developer pack.
  • $50 advance credit awarded to new users.

6. Cloud Monitoring As a Service: DATADOG

  • Free access to Datadog is a cloud monitoring service.
  • Free access for 2 years to Pro account, including 10 servers. THAT’S ABSOLUTELY AMAZING.

7. Algolia.Com Free for 1 Year with . Edu Email

  • Algolia’s powerful API lets you seamlessly implement search features within your website and applications.
  • Algolia’s API provides support for back-end and front-end frameworks.
  • 100k records and one million operations which normally cost $150/month, are valid for one year.

8. With .Edu Email Address Get Full Access to GitHub

  • Powerful code management, code review, and collaboration are used by a huge developer community across the world.
  • Free access to unlimited public and private developer repositories.

9. Learn Web Development from    :

  • Free access to premier coding Bootcamp for new developers.
  • One-month membership subscription of $149 provided by GitHub student developer pack for free. Get curated web development courses free.

10. GitHub Desktop Absolutely Free

  • GitHub desktop makes the GitHub workflows approachable and more convenient to run.
  • The GitHub student developer pack acquired with a .edu e-mail address is completely free.

11. Apple

  • Get the student developer pack with the .edu e-mail and avail of amazing discounts on Apple products.
  • Save up to $200 on an Apple computer with the .edu e-mail address.

12. LastPass 6 Months Premium Offer With .Edu Email

  • Get LastPass Premium offer for six months with a .edu e-mail.

13. Edu Email Discount from JetBrains

  • Professional development IDEs for application development.
  • With .edu e-mail get a free subscription for students.
  • The subscription must be renewed manually.

Term and Conditions for GitHub Student Developer Pack

  • You should be currently enrolled in a school, college or university.
  • Have some documents through which you can verify your student status.
  • Must have a GitHub user account.
  • Age should be at least equal to or above 13 years.

Method to apply for the GitHub student dev pack?

Go to GitHub Website
  • Go to GitHub education, and join GitHub Education.
Go to GitHub education for joining

The Verification Process

The verification process is simple your just some authentic school or college and any academic document to show when you verify your student status. The documents can be:

  • Admission letter
  • Departmental receipts.
  • School grants receipts.
  • Fees receipts.
  • Faculty letters etc.

Add the school email address to GitHub. Then, upload the academic documents or proof of your academic status. Enter your school name, and explain how you will use GitHub? Verify your information and click submit your information.

Related: How To Get Amazon Prime Student Discount

GitHub Student Developer Pack Expiration And Renewal

GitHub Student Developer Pack Expiration

Reapply if you are still eligible when your developer pack expires. You cannot renew some offers. To see when the developer expires visit the billing settings on Github’s official website.


Q: Creating a .edu email through this method is illegal?
Not completely illegal, not completely Legal. But, there is no harm in creating a .edu e-mail this way as you are not doing any kind of illegal activity. You are just availing of the discounts and using the tools for study and research

Q: What benefits can we get from the .edu e-mail?
Free domains from of any type i.e. .tech etc.
Amazon Prime account free for six months.
Get a GitHub student developer pack for free.
LastPass subscription is free for six months.
One-year premium subscription from Newegg.
$200 discount on Apple, Microsoft, and many other products.

Q: Is this a fake email address?
NO, this .edu email address is completely genuine and authentic. However, several organizations provide facilities and discounts on this email address.


GitHub Student developer pack is an online platform that offers the learners various developers tools free of cost. And it is used by developers, organizations, repositories, and more worldwide in millions of quantities. Additionally, if you use the GitHub pack for your school project, it will lead you the collaboration with other participants and build a portfolio. In this article, using the GitHub developer pack with .edu email described with the verification and method of GitHub. If you use this software all the time, let me know about your experience.