Beginner Guide To Install WordPress With Softaculous In Cpanel

Install Wordpress With Softaculous
Install Wordpress With Softaculous

Installing WordPress With Softaculous is best and easiest way to install WordPress. First of all, you have to Add Domin in the Cpanel under Addon Domain Tab. After adding Domain in Addon Domain Tab, We have to Install WordPress With Softaculous in Cpanel.


In this, Tutorial we will cover how we can Installing WordPress With Softaculous in Cpanel and find the solution of some common Problems facing during WordPress installation. And also deal with how we can uninstall and Reinstall WordPress in Cpanel.

So, let we star,

Install WordPress With Softaculous In Cpanel

Installing WordPress With Softaculous is best and easiest way to install WordPress. First of all, you have to Add Domin in the Cpanel under Addon Domain Tab. After adding Domain in Addon Domain Tab, We have to Install WordPress With Softaculous in Cpanel.

  • Now Login your Cpanel and find “Softaculous app Installer” Options Tab.
  • Select WordPress as a content management system (CMS) for your website.
wordpress install in cpanel
  • Now, Click on Install WordPress Option and Enter all the necessary information in each box.
Inslall wordpress
Install WordPress

For example;

In Software Setup Tab

  1. Set protocol Hhttp:// or https:// according to your selection. If your are new and have a limited Budget than go with http.
  2. From a drop-down menu, select your domain name that you enter in the Addon Domain Tab.
  3. Remove the WP form the Directory Box.
Select name of the website for wordpress
Select Name

Note: – If you do not remove the wp From the Directory Box then your website will be installed in the subfolder. And Your website will not be visible if someone searches your website name. For example They must have to type To find your website as well as to see your website.

In Site Setting Tab

Site Name Refer To your website name and Site Tag Line Refer to the Short description of your site. You can also add site Name and Site Description after WordPress installation. So, I’m leaving it here. We will do it in a basic setting of WordPress after installation.

Site Tag and Title option for website
Site Tag and Title

In Admin Account Tab

In this section, you can set User Name and password for WordPress. Make sure is password strong and lengthy. Here is al list of WordPress Security Tips And Tricks To Protect Website From Hacker.

Set Username and Password for wordpress
Set Username and Password

Note: – leave the Admin Email as it is.

You can also Change WordPress Admin Username And The Role Of User after installing WordPress.

In Choose language and Select Plugin Tab

WordPress also available in the different-different language. So, Select language according to your native language.

By default, WordPress recommended installing “Limit Login Attempts”  Plugin for Security. But in not recommended this. Just apply an extra layer of security to WordPress.

Select language and Plugin
Select language and Plugin

In Advance Tab

Under Advance Tab option in Softaculous. you can do the following things,

  1. Can change Database and Table Prefix name.
  2. Set Automatically Update Plugin, theme and WordPress.
  3. You can also set Automatically backup, change the location of back and how frequently backup need.
advance setting option
advance setting

Note: – Again, I not recommended to change this setting excepted Database and Table Prefix. Do it manually after taking the backup of your website. Because a sometimes website can crash due to the bad code of the plugin or theme.

Here is a list of the best word[ress Plugin that every blogger must have.

In Select Theme Tab

You can select any theme you want. If you not select any theme, WordPress automatically installed the default theme that is Twenty Sixten theme.

Everything is done.

Now, Enter your email  Address where you want to receive WordPress installation notification and other updates.

  • Click on install button to install WordPress.
Install wordpress
  • You will see a progress report of the WordPress installation on screen in live time.
Installing wordpress
  • After 100% completion, a new window will be open with your WordPress Login URL and website Address name that you selected.
Login Detail for wordpres
Login Detail

To check your website actually installed or not.

  • Open your File Manager and check Your Website Directory ( your website name).
  • Here you will find your website domain name have some files that mean it’s done.
WordPress Directory in file manger
WordPress Directory
  • Your WordPress are successfully installed in your CPanel.

Serch your website name in the Google.

Note: – If your Buy domain from another company and install it on another. Then You have to Update DNS setting to make Your website live. (

You can contact your domain provider and tell them to update your new server name (just provide your new server name). This change will take up 24hr to come in live.

Now, Serch your website name in the Google. You will see your website are now live with default WordPress theme.

Wodpress Installed with 20-16 theme
WordPress Installed

Common Problem Facing During WordPress Installation

Every case is different from other because it’s a Coding world. But here is a list of the common Problem that you may be facing during WordPress installation.

Softaculous WordPress missing

It is not actually missing from your Cpanel, I just load after the full page loading. You have to wait for the softaculous WordPress option.

How to Fix

If you don’t want to wait then,

  • Click on Softaculou app Installer option in Cpanel.
Softaculous option in Cpanel.
Softaculous option

Now a WordPress option is available in a different look. You can select it from here.

select WordPress option
WordPress option

Website  Open With Wp At The End Of Domain

A lot of new bloggers install their website in the subfolder means in a sub directory that is /Wp/. And when they search their website after WordPress installation they found nothing.

The reason behind is that you install your website in “wp” folder. Not in the main folder i.e public_html. So if some want to see your website they have to type to see your website.

How To Fix

Delete the wp from the Directory box under software setup tab.

Remove Wp from the directory under software setup tab
Remove WP

Not Able To Reinstall and Uninstall WordPress

When you Install WordPress With Softaculous in Cpanel and After some time your remove and reinstall it. Then You face this error.

 The following errors were found :

  • An installation already exists at as per our records. To re-install the application please uninstall the existing installation!
Inslall wordpress
Install WordPress

This is due to,

You actually delete the file from File Manger in Cpanel, Not from the Softaculous.  You also have to delete the file from Softaculous too.

  • Click on WordPress Option Under Softaculous App Installer Tab.
  • Now scroll down the page.
  • Here You will find the List of all the domain and Addon domain that you have.
list of the domain in Softaculous in cpanel
List od Domain
  • Click On cross to Properly/permanent delete the Domain from the Cpanel.
  • Now Try to install Domain again. It works fine.

Quick Recap

  1. Add Domain In Addon Domain Tab under Cpanel.
  2. Find Softaculous App Installer Tab and Click on WordPress.
  3. Click on Install and Enter all the Necessary Data.
  4. Check your WordPress install or not in Cpanel.
  5. Update DNS Setting.
  6. Check your website live or not by search its name.

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If you have any suggestion or problem about Install WordPress With Softaculous please feel free to comment below.