Pinterest Rolls Out New Feature to Protect Teens

Pinterest is releasing new privacy features that protect teens, including private profiles, mutual messaging limitations, and upgraded controls on who can follow you in the application.

From now, Pinterest users aged 16 and over can leave a private or public profile. Pinterest enlightened that;

Once private, you can connect with your friends and family by sending a unique profile link. Private profiles are not discoverable by others on the platform and will remain the default and only option for teens under 16.

Furthermore, Pinterest is also enacting more follower controls for teens, with all followers set to be removed from the profiles of users under 16. Teen users will then be asked to review their follower list to ensure they know who can see their content.

It means that teens who have made a following in the Pinterest app will have some work to do to curate their audience. But it will ensure that teens know better who can engage with their Pins.

Moreover, Pinterest is introducing new limitations for messaging and group board offers for teens and Pinterest states.

Teens under 16 can only send and receive messages from mutual followers who have been recognized via a unique profile link. That dies after three days, or when they get five new followers with the shareable link, whoever comes first.

However, the development will limit connections to only the users that teens specify, making it tougher for random people to connect with teenagers in the app.

These new actions offer improved security for youngsters, which is serious for all social applications.

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