Is It Legal To Use a VPN for By-Passing Geo-Restricted Content?

Legal To Use a VPN
Legal To Use a VPN

For a variety of reasons, internet users might find themselves blocked from accessing certain websites. The most common reason this happens is that some countries and companies want to restrict website access to users from other regions.

Not surprisingly, this issue was resolved by the development of VPN technology. VPN is an acronym for “Virtual Private Networks”. This technology was first introduced in its rawest form in the late 1990s. In recent years, VPN technology has successfully cleared the way for internet users all over the world to access websites that were historically blocked.

Related: Surfshark vs PIA: An Impartial Evaluation of Two Top VPN Providers

How VPN Technology Works?

While some VPNs are available for free (with limited access), a large portion of the VPNs being made available to consumers are available for a small subscription fee. Once a VPN platform has been downloaded, it gives users the ability to access most websites that are normally geo-restricted. They also give users the ability to hide their identities and locations from destination websites. That matters a lot when someone is transferring sensitive data or interacting with sensitive websites.

In the simplest terms, the technology works as follows:

VPN companies will maintain massive servers in key locations throughout the world. When a user switches on their VPN, their data/signals will not go directly to the destination website. Instead, the data/signal will get routed through one of the servers being maintained by the VPN company. From there, it will then be anonymously forwarded to its final destination. Website responses will likewise get routed in a similar fashion.

Technically, the data/signal will go through a three-step process.

  • Step one: The information gets tunneled through a hidden network
  • Step two: The information gets encrypted with Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption technology.
  • Step three: The information gets authenticated, and passed on to the destination website

Related: Top 9 things to consider before choosing VPN

Is It Legal To Use a VPN for By-passing Geo-restricted Content?

In most countries, it’s perfectly legal for internet users to use VPNs. That’s certainly the case in free nations like the U.S., Canada, South Africa, and many parts of Europe and Asia. It’s noteworthy that some countries actually recommend the use of VPNs if internet users are typically dealing with sensitive data.

Unfortunately, the use of VPNs is illegal in some countries, As one could probably guess, the countries that have banned VPNs are the usual suspects as it relates to government control of citizens. That would include countries like China, Russia, North Korea, Belarus, and some parts of the Middle East (Iran, Syria, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, etc.).

The Benefits of Using a VPN

Given there is usually a small cost associated with using a VPN, it’s something that should provide subscribers with benefits. In fact, that is the case. Here are a few of the benefits that can be derived from using a VPN: And if you are looking for a specific VPN, Click What is iTop VPN? to explore.

  • Provides online anonymity
  • Provides a layer of security while using a public Wi-Fi system
  • Through encryption, it hides data from unwanted eyes (hackers, government officials/agencies, etc.)
  • Improves connection speed and blocks throttling
  • Gives users the confidence they can freely navigate the internet without unwanted detection

A Case Study: VPNs and Online Casinos

A Case Study: VPNs and Online Casinos

To better understand how VPNS can improve a user’s internet experience, a case study would seem to be in order.

In Canada, it’s perfectly legal for Canadian residents to gamble through online casinos. However, the Canadian government does not permit Canadians to use online casino operators that are actually licensed and operating in Canada. That means actual Canadians have to miss out on having access to no deposit bonus codes in Canada. If Canadian casino enthusiasts want to play online casino games of chance for real cash, they will have to go abroad to do so.

To be clear, there are lots of online casino operators in other countries that are very welcoming toward Canadian customers. However, many of these casino operators are licensed in counties that do not permit direct internet interaction with foreigners. Switzerland would be one such country.

When blocked from accessing a casino site that does not permit direct access from foreigners, VPNs serve as the best way to bypass such restrictions. As long as the host country is okay with its online casino operators allowing VPN access, all is good for the Canadian gambler.


The use of VPNs is legal in a lot of counties across the globe. If you like the idea of remaining anonymous while interacting on the internet, it’s incumbent on you to figure out if it’s legal in your country. You’ll also want to verify that your VPN contact is acceptable by the websites with which you wish to interact. If your VPN access is denied, you’ll pretty much have that answer.

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