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How To Sprint In Elden Ring On PC, PlayStation & Xbox?

How To Sprint In Elden Ring

In case you have played previous Formsoftware games such as GTA, Fortnite, Minecraft, Rocket League, or others, you will find sprint in Elden Ring a little tricky because each game has its distinct controls.

Walking on your toes is very slow if you want no gap between you and your target. Sprinting is a crucial technique you need to learn initially in Elden Ring. Sprinting does not only change the speed of gameplay but also the tempo of the battlefield. This article briefly describes how to sprint in Elden Ring on PC, PlayStation, and Xbox. And a few instructions you need to know about sprinting.

Sprinting On PlayStation 4 & PlayStation 5 In Elden Ring

Sprinting On PlayStation 4 & PlayStation 5 In Elden Ring

What to do and what not to do during Sprinting on PS4 and PS5 is simplified below:

  • On PlayStation consoles, press and hold down the circle button to sprint.
  • You must hold down the circle button because your sprint button is also your dodge button. So, You can find commands a little tricky at first. 
  • To dodge, press the dodge button with the left control stick for the direction.
  • However, you will backstep if you do not press the left control stick with the dodge button.
  • Also, you can backstep and dodge roll mistakenly while trying to sprint and get stuck into damaging situations.
  • So, hold down the circle button to sprint instead tap the circle button solitary.

Sprint On Xbox Series In Elden Ring

Sprint On Xbox Series In Elden Ring

What to do and what not to do during Sprinting on Xbox Series is simplified below:

  • On the Xbox series, hold down the B button to sprint.
  • You must hold down the B button because your sprint is also your dodge button. So, You can find commands a little tricky at first. 
  • You must hold the direction input while clicking the dodge button to dodge.
  • So, hold down the B button to sprint instead of just clicking it solitary.

 Sprint On PC In Elden Ring

 Sprint On PC In Elden Ring

What to do and what not to do during Sprinting on PC is simplified below:

  • On PC, you can sprint by holding down the space bar.
  • The most common mistake PC players make is dodge instead of run. So, an easy practice for this is to run for two seconds and then hold down the space bar to ignore this mistake.
  • To backstep, press the dodge button without pressing the direction input.

Equip Load In Elden Ring

You are pressing the button so hard but are still unable to sprint. Check your equip load under the option character status; if it is overloaded, the problem occurs. Lessen it up to sprint fast. Or you can even replace your current types of equipment with lighter options for the solution.

 Equip load also affects your stamina and makes your recovery slower. Erdtree`s Favor, Green Turtle Talisman, Greenburst Crystal Tear, Greenspill Crystal Tear, Pickled Turtle Neck, and Viridian Amber Medallion are some mechanics to boost your stamina.

Sprinting In Combat

Your stamina consumes in due time only when you sprint, dodge, or attack in combat; otherwise, it does not. So keep your eyes on the stamina bar, or you will be disadvantaged. 

Sprinting In Torrent

You can also sprint while being spirit steed with a companion mount and visit different lands in the Elden Ring. In Torrent, you must use the same input you used earlier for sprinting.


Q1: What does L2 do in Elden Ring?
In Elden Ring, by pressing L2/LT, you obtain each weapon during the default Weapon Skill in combat.

Q2: What is L3 on a keyboard in Elden Ring?
In PlayStation, L3 is for stand/crouch when the player character is in control. But when riding, L3 is for getting down from the horse.

Q3: Can you play Elden Ring without a controller?
You can also play Elden Ring with a keyboard and mouse on a PC other than PlayStation and Xbox.


In Elden Ring, you cannot avoid to sprint, which is heavy during combat and consumes stamina. As walking is very slow outside Torrent, not sprinting makes the game tougher. Whether playing on PlayStation, Xbox, or PC, you must press the control input for sprinting.

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Picture of Trevor Mogg

Trevor Mogg

I am a tech guide and how-to writer who loves helping people with their tech problems. With plenty of experience, I break down complex topics into easy-to-understand tips and tricks. When I'm not writing, I enjoy trying out new gadgets and keeping up with the latest tech trends.

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